Climate Change and the Transitive Relationship: “A truth that all but one understood.”
If A implies B, and B implies C; then A implies C. This works for all but climate deniers and President Trump. Logic has decisively prevailed with the US government finally releasing the evidence that man causes climate change. It was a long time coming to conclude that a) man creates CO2, b) CO2 traps heat, and C) heat changes the world; Thus, man changes the world. So, why do we need to debate this instead of pushing for every available option to prevent this dramatic slide of humanity into a boiler of a planet?
We have solutions for most of the issues we have created, primarily economical solutions. The questions we should be asking ourselves are: What do we value in our lives? How do we put a cost on temperate climates, living oceans, and lush forests and jungles? How critical is it to have clean and thriving food sources?
How Can We Make a Difference with Climate Change?
As one very well-known environmentalist once told me, “Of all the millions of planets we can see, we only really know of this one that has the right mix of gases, water, and sun to power up a beautiful environment; and we are doing our best to alter it into an unknown and unpredictable state.” We can all chip in on a personal level to incorporate simple routines into our lives that have a positive impact. Investors can follow numerous organizations that recommend investing around beneficial corporate mandates that mitigate climate change, such as Ceres. And finally, our local and national governments must look out for their citizens and not be lobbied to the contrary, by taking a stand and implementing some immediate solutions.
Finding the Right Solution for Climate Change
Let’s push ahead, stop burning our energy, use all alternatives, and find quicker ways to slow the heating of the planet. Yes, it takes a bit of will and determination, and more capital, but no more than is being used to subsidize fossil fuel-based solutions, and police these interests around the world.